About Us

Who We Are
Welcome to All Store Deals, your ultimate destination for an unbeatable online shopping experience!
We’re your one-stop aggregator, scouring the web to bring you the best deals from top retailers like Amazon, Flipkart, AJIO, and more. We partner with all your most favourite online market places in india and pull in deals for you that might go amiss otherwise. Our algorithms crawl through these websites to pull the best deals for all the best products in all different categories and put it before you, all in one place. This saves you the trouble of hopping from website to website and app to app to find the best deals. We do it for you!
Our mission is simple: to save you time and money selecting specially for you a selection of the best offers and discounts across platforms and marketplaces online.
We have made it a point to not have our own products so we can offer the most unbiased offers to you from across the internet. We do not handle the payment processing or the purchase process, this means that you get to engage fully with the merchant of your choice that you trust for all payment and purchase related tasks. We only work to offer you the best deals, coupons and offers for the products you are looking for.
So doesn’t matter if you are on the look out for deals in electronics, fashion, or everyday essentials, we’ve got you covered. Join us and discover amazing deals and transform your shopping experience. No more hassle to guess which merchant sells the best products with the best deals, no more buyers remorse when you see the price dropping on other websites just after you purchased the item from a different one. With us, you know you are getting at the best offers at the best prices.
Forget window hopping, we hop the stores to your window where ever you are!
It is natural to wonder, how is it that we bring to you all the great deals from across the online space all in one place. This might even seem too good to be true!
But, fret not, its all pretty simple really. What we have done, is develop algorithms I house that we use to look through the entirety of the internet through a process known as crawling.
Brands and companies and online stores all have one or the other kind of coupons and offers and deals that they offer at all times. However, no matter how savvy of a user you are you are bound to miss the most of them despite their best efforts to bring advertising right to your doorstop.
Here’s where we come in. We are constantly on the look out for these deals and compiling them into our website in easy to find fashion. This allows you to find the deals and the coupons available at any given time when you want them. Once you find the right coupon for the right product for the right merchant, you just copy the Coupon code that we found for you and go to that trusted merchant to make the transactions.
Its that simple. You will still be shopping on the merchant sites that you trust and like. We just provide you with the tools to save a buck or two every time.
Welcome to All Store Deals, your ultimate destination for an unbeatable online shopping experience!
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